It's the day before Lecce-Inter in Appiano Gentile. Rafa Benitez is facing a strong emergency because of injuries. Here's how the Spanish manager answered to journalists' questions during the pre-match conference:
What makes the second day of Sneijder and allowed its exclusion?
He felt sick the other day, what did we have to understand, made the visit. Not available.
The need for tomorrow is to recover those who are not good or perhaps to risk something?
The most important game is always the next, so if we take risks we will.
How's Pandev recovering?
In the last two matches he did better than before, I expect him to do even more.
There will be news with starting line-up?
We worked on several ideas, we will decide tomorrow.
How do you see this haemorrhage of goals?
Last year, Milito has done very well this year it fell to Eto'o. Maybe we can think about tomorrow like it is a game of Champions' League, so we score more (he laughs).
Have you ever had so many injuries?
We are a team that finished late last season and started late with all the players this year. I think we can still improve.
Did you expect to have so many problems?
I took a team that has won a lot last year and I thought we could improve something. I'm happy for the availability of players, but we have troubles due to injuries. Let's see what we can do to improve in January. It 's clear that with Samuel's injury we will adjust the team. As for today, if all goes well this week Cambiasso will be available. But I'm thinking about next match. I have already said that before we win this game and then think about 'derby'. Fortunately, Stankovic is with us.
Do you think about changing the line-up?
The last game we played with a 4-4-2 becuase of the many injuries. I still think we are balanced, strong in defense and closer to the goal we set ourselves. I can be worried if you do not shoot, but we do this, we need to score more. It 's a matter of time, working so we will do better.
How did the voices of Benitez in the balance?
I spoke with the president and Branca. We know that our difficulties we have to get in a good position in January and reach a balance that we have not.
What do you expect from Lecce?
I think they'll try to attack, if we can have more control over their act of counter-attack.
How important is overcoming the Lecce before the derby?
We must do our job, think about these three points and then we'll see. At 100% this is the most important game.
Have you thought about what could be linked to these injuries?
We did an analysis. I have heard many things, but all teams have some top-level problem. We have players who have had accidents in the past, one or two years ago, we know that we have to work to prevent and to treat one and we're doing.
What happened to Sneijder these days? There is something very soothing?
He felt sick the other day, made a visit and we are waiting for the results. We can not do anything more.
Lacking Samuel, don't you think this team can no longer fit?
This is a class team, with young people who are hungry. When they go in the field they show desire to win, other players who have more quality and experience make us become a strong team. Away we've always done very well. Let's get to January in the upper parts of the table, then we'll see what we need to.
There are new with other injured players, as well as Samuel?
We have to wait, the only one who can come back soon is Cambiasso.
There are several young men called up in the list. A memory in recent years, Inter has never used so much. Indication that we can draw from this?
We have so many players outside, I like to play with young people if they can. I'm glad that the company can deploy these types of players. We talked, as I said, with management and see what we need.
The list of Golden Ball has been drawn up, Inter is the only Italian represented. What is clear from this information?
We have four, they could be five with Milito. I'm happy for clubs and players, the team did well and those players deserve to be there.
It is possible that there will be a duel between Sneijder and a Spanish, what do you think will happen?
I had a question like this yesterday. I answered that for me in the rankings are Eto'o, Sneijder and Maicon.
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