Ciro Ferrara's début on the bench of the Italian U21 national flavour has brought a new, special and well appreciated flavour to the future of Italian soccer, a Nerazzurri flavour. As well as Luca Caldirola, who started in centre defence, the right back position was filled by Inter owned Giulio Donati, who currently is on loan at Lecce. He still is just a boy, but has already demonstrated an extraordinary maturity and dedication, characteristics that have earned him in the past season his first cap with the Inter team at the time being led by José Mourinho. The Portuguese had great faith in Giulio's ability, but he is quickly being joined by many others who recognize the player's great potential. To further investigate Donati's current and future situation, has decided to contact the player himself.
Giulio, it seems natural for us to start by discussing the emotions of your début with the Azzurini shirt.
“Fantastic. Since my convocation, I have felt intense emotions, and these were further increased by Ferrara's selecting me for the starting eleven. The pitch was great, the atmosphere and the many spectators spectacular: the feeling was simply great.”
With coach Ferrara, it seems like you have hit it off well since the beginning.
“Yes, let's say he has impressed the team since the start making a clear statements of what he wanted. And let's not forget he was an amazing player, I used to like him and his old-style defender methods. It has been an honour for me to play with his number.”
You have also found your Inter Academy team-mate Mattia Destro again, did you find he has improved since you last played together?
“It is already known that he is a great player. I knew his preferences such as how he prefers to be served, it has been easy to play with him again. Anyhow, I have found he has improved greatly also from the physical point of view.”
Maybe you are waiting to return to Inter with him someday...
“Look, it would be a dream... (smiling, En). I hope it will soon come true, we will see.”
How much desire does Giulio Donati have to return to Inter?
“The desire is great, but it is not my choice to make. If it were for me, I would return also tomorrow...”
You are now at Lecce: are you satisfied with your personal performances and with those of the club?
“With the team, although we are struggling to maintain a good away form, the table position is acceptable: we can and will certainly try to do better. Personally I feel it has been going well, I knew that gathering minutes would have been tough, but I am always ready to seize opportunities as so to demonstrate my value.”
Your dedication has been praised by José Mourinho in the past, how is the relationship between you two?
“Mourinho is destined to remain a great coach, forever. Not only because he has donated me my début, but also because he is a special person who follows his values. José is to be admired for what he has done at Inter, but also for that which he has brought in the players' mentality. He noticed my dedication to hard work and to training and it was hence easy for us to have a nice connection”.
Is there an episode, a curiosity, you can share with us about Mourinho?
“Certainly, the morning when he announced I was to play in the Tim Cup. Mourinho came to me and asked me if I was ready to play or if I was scared. I told him I felt ready, and José said: 'And you do well, I believe you are already ready.'”
Some people compared your career to that of Davide Santon: how do you view this comparison with the Bambino?
“Davide has already displayed a lot, both at Inter as well as in the National team. It certainly pleases me, but I do not think I am at his level yet. Let's take it easy, simple as that. The dream of playing with the senior National team surely exists, and dreaming is allowed: only so can you reach the optimal spirit for reaching great things.”
In the recent times though, Inter has been struggling. As an external observer, what are your views of Benitez's management?
“Repeating achievements is always tough, maybe also Mourinho would not have managed to do that which he did last season. I do not know the Spaniard, I can therefore not assign a blame for the current situation. Inter, though, is a team full of champions and is hence destined to bounce back soon.”
You know Mario Balotelli well, he has chosen to leave the club, did you expect this?
“Well, everyone was talking about this possibility last year, with the rumours starting linking him to Milan, but seeing him leave to go abroad was certainly unexpected. I could not have predicted this, no way.”
To conclude, a double prediction from yourself: Do you think Lecce will avoid relegation? Do you think you will return to Inter in June?
“Regarding Lecce, I really hope we will manage. We all know how tough such a result is in the Italian league, but let's keep our fingers crossed. I would not know what to say regarding my future: I sincerely hope so, but if it is a return with slim playing chances then maybe I should stay away a little longer as so to return with greater opportunities.W
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