During a recent TV show called "Notti Magiche" aired on SportItalia TV channel, Luciano Moggi newly commented on last summer sale of Mario Balotelli from FC Internazionale to Manchester City: "Inter biggest mistake has been the sale of Mario Balotelli. At such a young age the player had to stay in the squad; Mario is a real talent, a player capable of wonders on the pitch; someone like him should not have been sold. The future of the team must have been developed around him. Inter should have sold Diego Milito because at his age and after such a logorating season he wouldnt have been able to repeat himself. Criticisms on new talent Coutinho? I thinks its unfair to criticize the young lad says Moggi. The real mistake has been the sale of SuperMario says the former Juventus manager

Sezione: FcInterNews in English / Data: Mer 10 novembre 2010 alle 08:39
Autore: Andrea Bini
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