After today's shareholders meeting, Inter president Massimo Moratti has taken the opportunity to speak to the press, and his answers are many! Amongst the rest, Moratti has announced Snijder's new contract signing and candidates his golden-man to the next World Player of the Year trophy. “I have spoken of Sneijder as World Player of the Year, but let's not forget Maicon, Eto'o and Julio Cesar, they would also deserve it... and so would Milito!”
The next words of the president are directed to the team and Rafa Benitez: “I hope that the same spirit that has been our partner in the past will be part of the future, when it was hard to win but we managed to start a history of victories. A spirit to fight, to demonstrate our value, a spirit of tradition. We can not think we have done enough, we can still achieve important goals. The players are the same as last year, and they won everything. And Benitez is an extremely professional coach, I get to know him better day after day, and I have to say I really admire him. He also has a special characteristic: he his a hard worker. It was the characteristic I admired most in Mourinho, and he also has it. Also, he thinks like a manager, dealing with both the present as well as the future of Inter. He is different from Mourinho, but I never wanted a copy. They have different qualities, but they can bring the same results. We made a great deal when we signed Benitez!”
“Mourinho is not to be forgotten -adds Moratti- his achievements have been spectacular. But the team is responding well to the change, the spirit of the boys is the same as last year's: win and win again. Benitez is a man of common sense, he is introducing quality in our game. His strength is the capacity to bring his traits but to look at the context. It was not going to be easy for anyone to work after last season's results, but Benitez did not adapt himself to the Inter style, he is bringing his ideas forward. In the league we are third because of a draw, the one of the weekend, we created a lot in that match, but we did not manage to win. Lazio is first, but at the moment we are focusing on Milan. In the Champions League we are also doing great, nothing can be said.”
The transfer market is another issue Moratti has no worries discussing: “A striker? This summer I was convinced one would have been helpful in terms of numbers, although Milito and Eto'o have my complete trust. Those responsible for the technical aspect though convinced me that it was not a priority, that a connecting player might have been more appropriate. Once we came to that conclusion, we also realized Coutinho could be that player and for what he has shown us so far I think it was the right choice. Obviously, if in January some great offer were to come by we will consider it, I do not think I have ever stepped away from such situations...”
After the meeting, upon reaching the outside, Moratti released other statements that were soon picked up by
Mr. President, with an eye cast upon the shareholders meeting, who is stricter, Moratti or the shareholders?
“I feel that the shareholders speak as if they felt at home. I do not think there has been any critique, we just spoke of the performances of some players. I think this is a good think, they have the courage to do it and they do it, knowing that I always keep their words into consideration, the fans understand football just as much as we do.”
Today Inter's shareholders have met, yesterday Juventus' board did the same thing. When you hear that they want their two titles back, what do you think?
“That I did not ask them in my meeting. And that is the difference...”
What is your reaction to Juventus' request?
“I feel that they have their own way of doing things. Once we decide to act like them, we will ask them to return the two titles we still miss from the past.”
Were you surprised by Andrea Agnelli's kind words directed to Luciano Moggi?
“I feel it is a natural process of what had been said before. That is the politic Juventus has decided to follow and this is just a further step in that direction.”
Could it be that these Juventus statements are just a search for fan support?
“I think this is of major importance, yes.”
Don't you think Juventus would be better off trying to win a trophy in the future rather than looking at the past?
“I am sure they will try to do this. This is Juventus' policy, I do not have anything to criticize here, it is their choice and I can not intervene.”
You mentioned Sneijder's new contract as well as the need for a striker, does that mean that Inter is looking to the market for January?
“Having confirmed Sneijder means he is not leaving, hence we will have the right number of players... (he smiles, ndr). Regarding a striker, it is a purely technical aspect, we have two central strikers and are hence fairly covered. We might look for something to be on the safe side, we will see.”
What can you tell us about Messi?
“He is not a centre forward, hence we can not get him... I wanted him, but we can't... (smiles, ndr).”
Who worries you most, Lazio or Milan?
“I feel that Lazio is doing well, but I have to think we are stronger than that, otherwise we might as well not take part in the league. They are surprising me thanks to a good run, consequence of a good coach, a successful club policy and good players. Maybe they will end up winning the league.”
Do you think Agnelli could have avoided his recent statements? Especially considering your kind words in the past...
“I do not have anything to do with this, this is their club policy. There is no changes for us, we just recognize how they plan to act in the future. They do not become my enemies though, it is a political choice, it happens. Communists and Fascists can also be friends.”
What do you think of the referee's performances?
“I can only say nice words. One can always find something to complain about, but my view is that they are doing well. My compliments are for them and for those who direct them.”
Ibrahimovic for 42 million Euros and Eto'o, is this Moratti's greatest deal ever?
“Why 42? They are 50... (smiles, ndr).
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